Why did my new water dispenser smell like rotten eggs?

Why did my new water dispenser smell like rotten eggs?

Experiencing a foul odour from a new water dispenser can be perplexing. The question β€œWhy did my new water dispenser smell like rotten eggs?” hints at a common issue in household appliances that needs addressing.

One likely culprit is bacterial growth in the water supply or dispenser. A thorough cleaning with a bleach solution, followed by rinsing and using filtered water, can eliminate the smell and prevent its recurrence.

Discover the simple steps to freshen up your water dispenser and ensure your drinking water is odour-free. Read our full guide to tackle the issue swiftly!

Why did my new water dispenser smell like rotten eggs? (Guidance)

The Comprehensive steps according to the problem, Why did my new water dispenser smell like rotten eggs?

1: Identification of the Smell

Check if the odour is limited to the water from the dispenser or prevalent in all your taps. Identifying the source is crucial to determine if the issue lies with the dispenser or your overall water supply.

2: Initial Dispenser Cleaning

Unplug the dispenser and remove any removable parts. Wash them with warm, soapy water. Clean the spigots with a brush to remove any possible buildup of bacteria or mineral deposits.

3: Sanitising with Bleach Solution

Prepare a bleach solution (1 tablespoon of bleach per gallon of water) and run it through the dispenser system. Let it stand for at least 10 minutes, then thoroughly rinse with clean water.

4: Flushing Out the Water Lines

Drain all the remaining bleach solution and flush the dispenser with fresh water several times to ensure that all traces of bleach are gone and the water is safe to drink.

5: Cleaning or Replacing the Water Filter

If your dispenser has a water filter, clean or replace it according to the manufacturer’s guidelines, as filters can trap bacteria and contribute to foul smells.

6: Preventive Maintenance

Regularly clean and maintain your water dispenser by following the manufacturer’s instructions. This includes periodic cleaning of water lines, drip trays, and reservoirs.

7: Seeking Professional Help

If the smell persists even after thorough cleaning, it may be time to call a professional for inspection. Persistent issues may indicate a problem with the water source or internal components of the dispenser.


The comprehensive topics related, Why did my new water dispenser smell like rotten eggs?

1.Potential Health Risks of Contaminated Water Dispensers

Contaminated water dispensers may harbour harmful microorganisms that pose serious health risks. Regular maintenance is crucial to prevent potential waterborne illnesses and ensure the dispenser remains a safe source of hydration.

2.Understanding Water Chemistry and Odour Causation

Water’s chemistry, including high levels of sulphates, can lead to unpleasant smells resembling rotten eggs. Knowing the chemistry helps in identifying effective solutions and ensuring the water’s safety and palatability.

3.The Role of Water Quality in Appliance Lifespan

High mineral content in water can impact not only the taste and smell but also the lifespan of water dispensers. Understanding water quality is vital for appliance maintenance and longevity.

4.Technological Advances in Water Dispensers

Modern water dispensers incorporate advanced features such as UV purification or reverse osmosis to prevent odour issues. Exploring technological options can offer long-term solutions for odour prevention.

5.Environmental Considerations and Water Systems

Environmental factors, such as bacterial content in municipal water systems, can affect household water quality. Awareness of these factors is important for homeowners to take appropriate action and protect their water sources.


In conclusion, unpleasant odours like that of rotten eggs from a new water dispenser, while distressing, are generally fixable with proper identification and remediation. The presence of bacterial growth or high sulphate levels in the water are common culprits. Through systematic cleaning, sanitising, and preventive maintenance, most homeowners can resolve the question of β€œWhy did my new water dispenser smell like rotten eggs?” Moreover, understanding one’s water chemistry and being proactive about dispenser care are invaluable for ensuring both the longevity of the appliance and the safety of the water you drink.


People also ask, Why did my new water dispenser smell like rotten eggs?

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To fix well water that smells like eggs, shock chlorinate your water system to eliminate Sulphur-reducing bacteria responsible for the odour.

How do you fix egg smell in water?

To fix an egg smell in water, flush the system with a bleach solution, clean the dispenser components regularly, and replace any old filters to remove bacteria buildup.

Why does my water smell like Sulphur when I first turn it on?

Water initially smelling like sulphur when turned on is often due to bacteria in the water heater or pipelines reacting with natural sulfites to create hydrogen sulphide gas.

How do you get the smell out of a water dispenser?

To eliminate a smell from a water dispenser, thoroughly clean and sanitise all parts, then flush with fresh water, and maintain regular upkeep and filter changes.

Why does my water dispenser smell like rotten eggs?

Your water dispenser may smell like rotten eggs due to bacterial growth in the unit or sulphate compounds in your water reacting to produce hydrogen sulphide gas.

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